Open Source Six Sigma is a specialized niche Publications Company that licenses Lean Six Sigma training materials, course manuals and eBooks. Since its inception OSSS has grown to become a leading content provider and intellectual property licensor with thousands of diverse retail, white label and enterprise customers. OSSS has strictly maintained its position as a content publisher and licensor and as such does not provide direct training, consulting, mentoring or coaching in Lean Six Sigma.
Our Mission: OSSS was established to provide training content and knowledge assets to the Business Improvement community. As a dedicated and focused Lean Six Sigma Publication Company we promote the use of process improvement for the purpose of education. It is our commitment to provide economically feasible, High-Quality Courseware and Publications to our customers and expand the footprint of Lean Six Sigma in our world today.  
OSSS is not, nor has an ownership or controlling interest in any, Lean Six Sigma Training or Consulting company, we do not provide fee based mentoring, coaching, training or consulting services related to the application and implementation of Lean Six Sigma.
Open Source Six Sigma founded in 2007 is a subsidiary of Red Stake, Inc. which owns a portfolio of companies, two of which are also affiliated within the Lean Six Sigma Market — International Association for Six Sigma Certification LLC (“IASSC”) and SixGrid LLC (“SixGrid”).