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International Association for Six Sigma Certification. 11/02/2009 - 14:17
Version 10 Material Release. 07/16/2009 - 23:47
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International Association for Six Sigma Certification. 11/02/2009 - 14:17
Version 10 Material Release. 07/16/2009 - 23:47
Enterprise Licensing Intellectual Property. 08/18/2008 - 23:47
Open Source Six Sigma Steps it up. 04/01/2008 - 00:11
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The Open Source Six Sigma Training Materials Bundle
Enterprise Licensing
for Corporations,
Partner Licensing
for Training Providers
Elearning Licensing
options also available.
List Price: $599.55
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Available for download now
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Lean Six Sigma Training Materials Bundle
combines all of the Open Source Six Sigma Training Materials
into a single package.
This Bundle includes....
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt v12 MT
1,200+ Slides
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt v12
1,100+ Slides
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
500+ Slides
Lean Six Sigma White Belt
150+ Slides
The complete Lean Six Sigma DMAIC course prepares participants to perform the role of a Lean Six Sigma Belts. The Lean Six Sigma Training Materials are a comprehensive curriculum covering everything within the Lean Six Sigma D-M-A-I-C body of knowledge required to successfully prepare students to achieve Black Belt, Green Belt or Yellow Belt certifications and performance standards.
The OSSS materials are much more than simple tools training. This curriculum is formatted in such a way that the problem solving strategy is demonstrated throughout the course. By utilizing various Statistical and Business Improvement tools participants and trainers can clearly see and communicate the flow and process of the methodology in order to instill both the tactical and strategic aspects of the LSS Belt skill set.
The slides are accompanied with instructor notes and slide explanations to ensure the correct interpretation and explanation of topics. The implementation road maps within each phase provide a clear line-of-sight for putting into practice the problem solving technology. Various group exercises utilizing training aids, pre-formatted data sets and templates facilitate interactive group learning within a class.
Thousands of industry and academic MBB trainers, coaches and mentors rely on the Open Source Six Sigma LSS Black Belt Training Materials to facilitate the benchmarking and reconstruction of their current materials and to train Lean Six Sigma Black Belts around the world.
LSS Champion Training Materials v3.1
Lean Six Sigma Champions are typically responsible for Project Selection, Team assignments and progress tracking. This course prepares one to fulfill that role. Champions are key players in the success of any Lean Six Sigma deployment. They are the front line to selecting and guiding your Lean Six Sigma trained personnel.
A Champion also generates project ideas, prioritizes them, assigns them to Belts and tracks them to successful completion. The Open Source Six Sigma Lean Six Sigma Champion course provides everything one must know to perform the function of a Lean Six Sigma Champion to the highest standards.
Project Selection Training Materials v3.1
Successful implementation of a Lean Six Sigma Program is significantly dependent upon effective allocation of resources and focus on the most impactful activities. Project Selection can Make or break an improvement program.
This course guides management through a process to assure these objectives are accomplished. Generating high impact projects consists of performing a Project Selection Process (“PSP”) to identify the company’s areas of concern; those areas where significant business problems or opportunities exist. The Opportunity Analysis is performed through two primary approaches: 1) by identifying any and all opportunities perceived by the management team and 2) by identify specific problems which are preventing the accomplishment of specific goals and objectives of the organization.
The methodology of the PSP will create a fertile and highly structured list of projects linked to strategy and projected benefits (dollars) that are then organized by area and responsibility. Assisting the PSP methodology is a process for defining projects, assuring they are clearly written with all of the essential information to achieve meaningful results. The PSP is a complete methodology from project ideation to project definition, selection and ongoing management through the business improvement roadmap.
Executive Introduction Training Materials v1.1
As a company considers the merits of undertaking a Lean Six Sigma Initiative, it is important the Executives understand the capabilities, resource commitment and resultant performance improvement expectations. Open Source Six Sigma's Executive Introduction Training materials provides that understanding.
Lean Six Sigma has been a powerful tool for corporate process improvement initiatives for over twenty years. This course describes the methodology, how it is used, what types of issues it addresses and what the expectations of a program should be. Also discussed are the requirements for initiating and managing a successful Lean Six Sigma program.
Process Management Training Materials v6.1
This course addresses the use of Process Management, Basic Statistics and Basic Lean Six Sigma methodologies to improve the performance of all processes within an organization. The OSSS Process Management Course demonstrates how to identify and select key business processes and how to fully characterize, improve and manage them.
The Process Management Course breaks down how to manage business processes so they are effective, efficient and adaptable. Through the use of various tools, methodologies, management approaches and technologies you will learn that Process Management is the collection and orchestration of these efforts in order to assure improvement and success.
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